


List of issues considered in the topic:

Lim formula

1) determination of the sequence limit;

2) basic properties of limits;

3) types of uncertainties and ways to eliminate them;

4) rules for calculating the limits of the infinity function.

Glossary on the topic

A numbered series of numbers a1, a2,..., ap,... is called a numerical sequence.

A numerical sequence is called an ascending sequence if each of its members is larger than the previous one, in other words, if there is a true inequality for any of them (similarly, a descending numerical sequence is defined).

A sequence is called monotonous if it is either increasing or decreasing.

A sequence a1, a2, ..., ... is called limited if a common boundary can be specified for its members, i.e. if there is such a number C that the inequality is performed for all numbers n.

The sequence is bounded at the bottom, if there is a number m such that inequality is executed for any n . The number m is called the lower boundary of the sequence.

The number b is called the limit of the sequence if any pre-selected neighborhood of point b contains all the members of the sequence starting with some number.

When calculating the limits, the expressions with undefined values often appear. Such expressions are called uncertainties.

Basic Literature:

Kolyagin Yu.M., Tkacheva M.V., Fedorova N.E., etc., edited by Zhizhchenko A.B. Algebra and the beginning of mathematical analysis (basic and profile levels) 11 cells - Moscow: Enlightenment, 2014.

Additional literature:

Shabunin M.I., Tkacheva M.V., Fedorova N.E. Didactic materials of Algebra and the beginning of mathematical analysis (basic and profile levels) 11 ph. - M.: Enlightenment, 2017.

Theoretical material for independent study

Let each natural number be matched with a real number: number 1 corresponds to number a, number 2 corresponds to number a2, ..., number n corresponds to number a, etc. Then they say that a numeric sequence is given, and they write a1, a2, ..., ap or (ap), where a1, a2, ..., ..., a - members of the sequence.

A measured series of numbers a1, a2, ..., ap, ... is called a numeric sequence.

Methods of assigning sequences.

The simplest way to set a sequence is to set it using the formula of the common term, i.e., the formula that explicitly expresses the dependence of the n-th term of the sequence on n.

For example, the formula ап=2n specifies a sequence of even numbers 2,4,6,8,... .

Another important way to specify a sequence is the recurrence method, in which an expression linking the n-th term of the sequence to one or more previous ones is specified.

The word recurrence comes from the Latin word recurrens, which means "return". When we calculate a new, new sequence member, we sort of go back and use the already calculated previous members.

For example, the recurrence ratio an=an-1+2 together with equation a1=1 defines an arithmetic progression with the first term 1 and a difference of 2:1, 3, 5, 7, ... . This is nothing more than a sequence of odd numbers.

The sequence can also be given by a verbal description, which defines the process of building the sequence members.

So try this limit calculator